How We Make Gold Jewelry A Reality - In House Casting!
Have you ever wondered how gold jewelry was formed? A lot of steps go into making fine jewelry, from casting to diamond setting to finishing. Here at Phoenix Jewelry, we do the entire jewelry making process in house! We use the lost wax casting method, keep reading to learn how it works.
The casting process begins with a rubber mold created around a master model. Rubber is added layer by layer around the model, then heated to form a precise mold of the piece.
The mold is injected with wax to create the ring form. After the wax hardens, it can be removed and inspected for quality, and will reveal any flaws in the rubber mold. We have a variety of designs immortalized in molds, that we will create and attach to a tree, which allows us to cast multiple designs at once. The wax models are attached to a sprue, which will eventually form a channel for the molten metal to enter the mold.
The cylinder is filled with investment to completely cover the wax. Investment is a very high grade plaster specially designed for casting. The cylinder is then put in a vacuum sealed dome to remove any bubbles in the investment, then is left to harden.
After hardening, the cylinder is then put into a kiln at a high temperature for 8 hours which allows the wax to melt out of the investment and create a hollowed out mold for the molten metal to later flow into.
The hardened, piping hot mold is then placed on a vacuum casting machine to create suction on the mold. Tan will then melt gold in a crucible, and pour the molten gold into the investment mold.
The cylinder is then quenched in water while still hot, which leaves freshly cast rings which are attached to a sprue.
From there, Tan will remove the sprue, polish the ring and set the perfect diamond or gemstone into your ring!

Beautiful ring!!